





Technology of plate curing press
During the whole curing process of the flat plate, the pressure applied on the mold rubber area shall not be less than 3Mpa. No matter what type of hot plate is used, the temperature distribution on the whole mold area shall be uniform, and the maximum temperature difference between each point and the center point shall not exceed 1 degree, and the corresponding difference between adjacent hot plates shall not exceed 1 degree, and the maximum temperature deviation at the center of hot plate shall not exceed ± 0.5 degree hot plate temperature In order to prevent the heat conduction between the heating plate and the pressurized movable platform, it is better to add steel isolation plate between them or use other methods to reduce the heat loss as far as possible, and properly isolate the ventilation around the hot plate. The mold used for the physical test of vulcanized rubber should be designed and manufactured according to the sample size, shape and effective area of vulcanization equipment Medium carbon steel or stainless steel shall be used. The surface of die cavity shall be chrome plated or polished. The roughness shall not be greater than 1.60. The thickness of die cover and die bottom shall not be less than 10 mm. Generally speaking, isolation agent shall not be used on the surface of mold cavity. If necessary, a small amount of residual isolating agent which does not produce chemical effect with vulcanizate can be used. Silicone oil or neutral soap solution can be used


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